weekly bulletin

October 20, 2024

11 a.m. Service

Musical Prelude, I John 1:9 and a time of quietness as worship begins.

Hymn No. 569 “O That Will Be Glory”

Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance & Announcements

Hymn No. 28 “Holy God We Praise Thy Name”

Hymn No. 604 “Battle Hymn Of The Republic”

Instrumental Music (Quiet preparation for message)

Scripture: Revelation 15:1-8

Message: “The Prelude To The Plagues”

Hymn No. 539 “Where He Leads Me”

Dismissal Hymn:  285 “He Lives”


Our services are 9:45 a.m. for Sunday School and 11 a.m. for Worship Service each Sunday and 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday (with classes available for children). We also have a Tuesday Bible Study at 10 a.m. each week in the fellowship hall. Please join us for these times of worship.

The October offering focus is for the Padayhags with Things To Come Missions serving in South Africa.

Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:30, Through The Bible With Les Feldick.

Center of Life is still asking that we provide canned meats.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, November 9, 8 a.m. in the fellowship hall. 
Women’s Group Breakfast the same day at 8 a.m. at Mi Fiesta Mexican Restaurant on South Oak.

“May we keep our eyes on God as we go through each day, going to Him in prayer and studying His promises in the Scriptures. May we rely on God, our eternal Rock, to help us move gracefully through all of life.” ~Our Daily Bread

Prayer & Praise List: the family of Kris Beasley, the family of Robert Briam, Nancy Broumley, Michael Brown, Carole & Jim Coats, Shaun Holloway’s mother Janie, Tray Hooper, Sylvia Hull, Cindy Ince, Elleigh Killough, Jack Lowey, Lesa Pawley, Allen Richie, Don Rollins, Mary Seibert, Randy Shiflet, the family of Pat Stafford, Waymon Williams, Eleventh Avenue Church, unspoken request, nursing home residents, the home bound, law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel, military, ministry of the Word from the pulpit, printed page, web site & YouTube video channel, prisoners, prison ministries, missionaries, our government leaders.

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