weekly bulletin
January 26, 2025
11 a.m. Service
Musical Prelude, I John 1:9 and a time of quietness as worship begins.
Hymn No. 79 “To God Be The Glory”
Prayer, Pledge Of Allegiance & Announcements
Special Music: Piano/Organ
Hymn No. 41 “Glory Be To God The Father”
Instrumental Music (Quiet preparation for message)
Scripture: Revelation 20:4-6
Message: “The Saints Reign With Christ”
Hymn No. 24 “Be Still And Know”
Dismissal Hymn: 285 “He Lives”
Shut-ins Of The Month: Jim & Carole Coats, 2503 Baylor St., Mineral Wells, 817/713-9961. Take a few minutes in the next few days and send a card, a text, make a brief phone call or go by for a short visit. Let them know we love them, miss them and are praying for them.
Friday, January 31
Game Night, 6 p.m. Pizza provided, bring your favorite snacks.
Next Sunday
Immediately following the services next Sunday, there will be a congratulatory reception honoring Zander Adams for receiving his teaching degree. He is now a part of the Band Program with Mineral Wells ISD. Plan to stay and share in this time of honoring one of our own.
This is our last Sunday for the January offering focus for the Vintons serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Tanzania. The February offering focus will be for Grace Publications.
Center of Life is still asking that we provide canned meats.
Saturday, February 8
Men’s Prayer Breakfast at 8 a.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Women’s Prayer Breakfast at 8 a.m. at Mi Fiesta Restaurant.
Prayer & Praise List: Walter Bolton, Nancy Broumley, Michael Brown, Carole & Jim Coats, Tray Hooper, Sylvia Hull, Cindy Ince, Elleigh Killough, Jack Lowey, Leonard Maner, Lesa Pawley, Summer Ralls, Allen Richie, Cliff Sears, Dorma’s daughter-in-law’s daughter and grandbaby, Waymon Williams, several who are ill with the flu, Eleventh Avenue Church, unspoken request, nursing home residents, the home bound, law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel, military, ministry of the Word from the pulpit, printed page, web site & YouTube video channel, prisoners, prison ministries, missionaries, our government leaders.